Kaleidoscope, Cast Glass and Bronze at Lapin Contemporary, April 12- June 15th
WildFire represents the impact of climate change on the environment, depicting a burning tree that is engulfed in flames. The flames, cast in glass, light up as the sun passes through and the sculpture illuminates to look like it is on fire.
The International Year of Glass (IYoG2022) celebrates the past, present, and future of this transformative material following the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Glass has unparalleled versatility and technical capabilities. In it’s many forms glass has fostered innumerable cultural, scientific, and artistic advancements.
This art exhibition is organized by The International Year of Glass Steering Committee and The Mission of Spain to United Nations, through
The Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass, in the framework of the
closing event of The International Year of Glass 2022.
A Special Thank You to:
Permanent Mission of Spain at United Nations
International Year of Glass 2022 Steering Committee
Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass
O-I Charities Foundation
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Natalie Tyler is an artist who specializes in glass and bronze cast sculpture. Tyler transforms her wax sculptures into bronze or crystal glass. Using cast glass she incorporates texture, color and light into the artworks. With nature as her inspiration, Natalie Tyler’s sculptures highlight the importance of our natural living world. The most recent work is about Climate Change, rising sea levels, devastating wildfires, and melting glaciers.
She has twice been a US Embassy sponsored artist, once in Dublin, Ireland and again in Tallinn, Estonia exhibiting at the Estonia Museum of Applied Art and Design. She has received grants and awards from art institutions including Mass MOCA, Art Students League of New York, Vermont Studio Center, and Cornell University. She received her Masters of Fine Art from the California College of the Arts in San Francisco and studied in Bologna, Italy.